Little League Baseball, Inc., United States Eastern Region

State of Pennsylvania Association of District Administrators


Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2012

Recreation Building, South Williamsport, PA


State Coordinator Glen Fiebig called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.  Roll call was taken by sign in sheet.  Districts represented: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 and 32.  Absentee ballot proxies were presented by Terry Bean representing District 25 and David Felker representing District 30.  Don Soucy, East Region Director and Jim Ferguson, Director of Security and Assistant Director of Risk Management, were also present.


Glen thanked the body for the cards and letters he received following his surgery.


Motion to approve the meeting minutes of April 14, 2012 was made by District 26.  Second by District 17.  Motion passed.


Motion to approve the finance report dated October 20, 2012 was made by District 32.  Second by District 13.  Motion passed.  Report attached.




A thank you letter from Shirley Rupp was read.




Jim Ferguson gave a presentation on A.S.A.P.  The new deadline for league submittal is April 1.  Little League has also added a 15th regulation for the A.S.A.P. plans which is the requirement to submit data for players, managers and coaches.




Junior League Baseball State Tournament: District 25 moved to accept a proposal from Cranberry Little League to host the Junior League Baseball state tournament for the next 5 years.  Second by District 6.  After discussion the motion passed.


Tournament Issues: There were two state tournaments where tournament directors did not find out until one day and two days prior to the start of the tournament that a section would not be represented causing problems with organizing particularly scheduling.  Section Coordinators are to notify tournament directors if they will not be sending a team well in advance of the tournament start.


Tournament Calendar: District 6 moved to accept the 2013 Tournament Calendar. Second by District 9.  It was noted that the calendar may need to be updated after the World Series and Regional Tournament dates are announced particularly for the Intermediate 50/70 Division.  Motion passed.


Tournament Section Rotation: District 20 moved to adopt the State Tournament Section Rotation Schedule, updated to accommodate the Intermediate 50/70 Division.  With the acceptance of the proposal from Cranberry Little League to host the Junior League Baseball State Tournament for the next five years, the sections that were previously scheduled to host the Junior Baseball will be scheduled to host the Intermediate 50/70 tournament.  The motion passed.


Big League Baseball and Softball State Tournament: District 25 moved to award the 2013 Big League Baseball and Big League Softball state tournaments to District 15 and Southern Tioga Little League.  Second by District 13.  The motion passed.


District Dues: District 15 moved to suspend district dues to the state association for 2013 due to sufficient funds in the treasury.  Second by District 17.  The motion passed.




Don Soucy reported on upcoming events at the East Region Headquarters, particularly the DA clinic coming up on November 3rd & 4th and starting with dinner at Nucci’s on Friday evening.


Next meeting date is scheduled for April 13, 2013.  Time and location to be announced.


Motion to adjourn was made by District 12.  Second by District 24.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Bill Dithrich

DA PA District 1

Administrative Assistant

Pennsylvania State Little League DA’s Finance Report

October 20, 2012

 Beginning Balance April 14, 2012









April meeting food



Memorial to Shirley Rupp 











Ending Balance



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