Little League Baseball, Inc., United States Eastern Region

State of Pennsylvania Association of District Administrators


Meeting Minutes


November 6, 2010

Lundy Building, South Williamsport, PA


Prior to the meeting Jim Hammer from DPH pins presented information on their product line.  They are offering a 5% of all sales of tournament and recognition pins to Little Leagues in the state of Pennsylvania.


Joe Wendler presented topics discussed at the Advisory Board meeting he participated in.  Major topics were the 50/70 program, consideration of a hybrid double elimination tournament format that was used for the 2010 Little League World Series, a training program for new District Administrators, increasing tournament fees and changing the schedule for the International Congress.


State Coordinator Glen Fiebig called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.  Roll call was taken by sign in sheet.  Districts represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, and 32.  Absentee ballot proxies were presented by C. Michael Pierce representing District 5 and Scott Smith representing District 25.


Motion to approve the meeting minutes of August 28, 2010 was made by District 15.  Second by District 17.  Motion passed.


Motion to approve the finance report dated November 6, 2010 was made by District 26.  Second by District 9.  Motion passed.  Report attached.




Tournament Procedures for State Tournaments:  Joe Wendler and Butch Loncar presented a list of procedures for leagues hosting state tournament.  Motion to adopt the procedures was made by District 18.  Second by District 30.  Motion passed.


Tournament Locations:  Motion to host all levels of state tournaments at one site, eliminating the east and west qualifier and division tournaments, was made by District 3.  Second by District 9.  Motion passed by roll call vote with 15 votes in favor and 10 votes against.


Tournament Format:  Motion to mandate all state tournaments use the pool play format was made by District 14.  Second by District 30.  Motion failed by roll call vote with 12 votes in favor and 13 votes against.  Motion to allow the host league to determine the Little League approved tournament format made by District 5.  Second by 17.  Motion passed.


Tournament Calendar:  Motion to adopt the 2011 Tournament Calendar, which will be updated with the change in format for the 10 & 11 Year Old Baseball and Softball and the Little League Baseball and Softball tournaments, was made by District 20.  Second by District 26.  Motion passed




Meeting Date Schedule:  Motion to change the dates for the two yearly state association meetings to the second Saturday in April and the third Saturday in October was made by District 26.  Second by District 9.  Motion passed.  The 2011 meeting dates are April 9 and October 15.

Representative to the International Board of Directors:  Joe Wendler and Mike Serino were nominated to be the representative from Pennsylvania to be on the ballot for the East Region representative on the International Board of Directors.  Elected by secret ballot was Joe Wendler.


EAST REGION HEADQUARTERS REPORT no representatives from East Region were present.




Motion was made to send Frank and Kim Germino a $500 contribution to help during his recovery process was made by District 1.  Second by District 10.  Motion passed.


Motion to adjourn was made by District 26.  Second by District 13.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Bill Dithrich

DA PA District 1

Administrative Assistant

Pennsylvania State Little League DA’s Finance Report


November 6, 2010


Beginning Balance August 28, 2010












Nov. meeting room rent











Ending Balance


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