Little League Baseball, Inc., United States Eastern Region

State of Pennsylvania Association of District Administrators


Meeting Minutes


August 23, 2008

Lundy Center, Little League Headquarters, South Williamsport, PA


State Coordinator Glen Fiebig called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  Roll call was taken by sign in sheet.  Districts represented: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32.  ADA Sean Guilday represented District 29 by way of absentee ballot proxy.  Also present was Corey Wright, Assistant East Region Director.


Motion to approve the meeting minutes of May 17, 2008 was made by District 15.  Second by District 12.


Motion to approve the finance report dated August 23, 2008 was made by District 13.  Second by District 11.  Report attached.


Glen introduced Jennie Todd, newly elected DA of District 23, Doug Talmadge newly elected DA of District 26 and Anita Connelly the new DA of District 4.




The appointed committee to propose changes to update the association by-laws presented their report.

1.      Motion by District 5 to eliminate the statement “Honorary members are not eligible” from Section 4.01 of the proposal as it was redundant. Second by District 17. Motion passed.

2.      Motion by District 1 to change the word “mail” to “communication” in Section 4.02 of the proposal.  Second by District 15.  Motion passed

3.      Motion by District 14 to accept Section 4.04 as proposed.  Second by District 25.

a.       Motion by District 25 to amend the motion to change the wording “last meeting before the Little League World Series” to “August meeting.”  Second by District 14.  Motion passed.

b.      Motion by District 29 to amend the motion to add the wording “in good standing” after Regular member.  Second by District 30.  Motion passed.

c.       Original motion as amended passed.

4.      Motion by District 14 to modify the wording of Section 4.03 of the proposal as follows:

a.       Remove first sentence.

b.      Change “mail” to “provide.”

c.       Replace the fourth sentence with “Nominations shall be accepted at the election meeting.  Absentee ballots shall be accepted at the election meeting.”

d.      Remove the wording “received by the deadline date.”

e.       Second by District 15.  Motion passed.

The by-laws changes as amended are attached.




Glen asked for discussion on state tournaments.  An area of concern was problems in travel time between tournaments at the Little League divisions of both baseball and softball caused by having the east and west division tournaments and then the state championship tournament.  It was suggested to continue with the current format except to be hosted at one site.  Motion by District 12 to table the decision on the format for the 2009 Little League division baseball and softball state tournaments until the November meeting.  Second by District 13.  Motion passed.




Corey Wright, Assistant Director of the East Region reported on:

1.      Qualifications for District Administrators to be eligible for re-election.

2.      The concession stand at region headquarters is scheduled to be completed this fall.

3.      The East Region District Administrator fall clinic is scheduled for Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2, with the reception dinner on Friday, October 31.




Date for the fall meeting was decided on for November 15.


Motion to adjourn by District 12.  Second by District 13.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Bill Dithrich

DA PA District 1

Administrative Assistant


Penna. State Little League DA’s Treasurers report


August 23, 2008


Beginning Balance June 2008                          $3,360.09



121                  Food May                                     $77.25

123                  Glen’s card – Flowers                 $135.75

124                  Phone Glen                                 $108.69



                        Dues                                            $250.00


Ending Balance                                                $3,288.40









Page 2.  Article IV.  Pennsylvania State Coordinator

Section 4.01           Eligibility


Only Regular members in good standing of the State of Pennsylvania Association of District Administrators may be nominated for election to the position of Pennsylvania State Coordinator.


Section 4.02           Nominations

Nominations shall be solicited by a committee of three District Administrators, voted on by the State District Administrators as a Nominating Committee, who will send and receive communication from each Regular Member of the Association six months prior to the sitting State Coordinator’s expiration of term of office or immediately upon a sitting State Coordinator’s resignation, dismissal or when the sitting State Coordinator ceases to maintain their status as a regular member. A regular member may not nominate him/herself.

Section 4.03           Election Procedure

A committee selected by the State Coordinator shall provide ballots to each Regular Member in good standing.  The ballots shall list the individual(s) nominated for election. Nominations shall be accepted at the election meeting.  Absentee ballots shall be accepted.  A vote of fifty-one percent (51%) of the ballots is required to elect.  The preference of individual Regular Members shall be kept secret.  The results of the election shall be announced by the Election Committee.


If the nominated individual(s) fail to receive the required number of votes, the position of Pennsylvania State Coordinator shall be filled by the Election Committee by holding a second election of the two highest candidates.

Section 4.04           Term of Office

Any elected or appointed person serving in the capacity of Pennsylvania State Coordinator shall have a term of office which shall expire upon resignation, dismissal, ceases to maintain their status as a Regular Member in good standing or after having served for three (3) years, whichever occurs first.  A past Pennsylvania State Coordinator may be elected to successive terms in office following the procedures as here-in-before described under ''Nominations'', "Election Procedures.”


Elections are to be held at the August meeting with the new term to begin in October of the same year.



Proposed changes amended and adopted October 23, 2008.



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